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Author: rhythmraveradio

Page: 34 has come up with a list of disturbing trends in rap that need to be addressed. If they go unchecked, these self-destructive tendencies will continue to harm a culture that has helped so many. And that is the last thing that anybody wants, especially those people (myself included) who are proof positive that […]

  Def Jam is celebrating its 30 year anniversary with a star-studded concert featuring many of the artists that were signed to the iconic Hip Hop label. While acts like Rick Ross, DMX, and Method Man are set to hit the stage tonight at Brooklyn’s Barclay Center, some of the legends that helped build the company were […]

Snoop Dogg has declared a truce with Iggy Azalea … officially squashing the beef after just one phone convo with T.I. Snoop just posted a video mea culpa where he says, “No more bad talk. I apologize. I won’t do it again.” He says the peace treaty was engineered by Iggy’s manager … T.I. Snoop […]

    This is the funniest rap battle in rap battle history.  Snoop dog and Iggy are going in on social media (do we smell media hype to eventually promote their up coming single) click here if you missed round 1 Round 2: Tha Dogg Pound chimes in; Daz responded to Iggy’s tweets yesterday saying Snoop doesn’t “give a fuck […]

A glass of wine a day keeps the doctor away. Could this be true? WebMD talks to experts to learn how we can get the health benefits of wine or alcohol while keeping our weight in check. Do Like the French? The French diet is often used as an example of how wine can improve […]

Hungry or Thirsty? How Water Helps a Diet It’s very difficult for the body to tell the difference between hunger and thirst. So if you’re walking around feeling a gnawing sense of hunger, you might just be dehydrated. Try drinking a glass of water instead of grabbing a snack. Research has also shown that drinking […]

  Recap:  Nikki confronts Morgan about her pre-surgery pics all done on the set of Ray J’s new video.  Omarion told his mother she can’t be present for the birth of his child because she is too negative.  Hazel confronts Yung Berg about working with Teairra Marie and Mally Mal and Nikki set up Masika.   Modesty’s opinion:  Where do […]

The most random rap feud just broke out — Iggy Azalea vs. Snoop Dogg … and it’s all over a picture he posted mocking Iggy’s makeup-free face. Snoop posted the Instagram this weekend showing an albino-looking woman with cornrow braids and the caption … “Iggy Azalea no make up.     The “Fancy” rapper got wind of […]

  Columbus Short is adding to the laundry list of things he has recently lost.  Short was renting a place outside L.A for $6,995 a month, but his landlord allegedly kicked him out after missing 1 months rent. he got a court order giving Short 5 days to get the hell out. Apparently it was unnecessary since he left on his […]

Terrence Howard cooked up a diabolical plot to hide his fortune from the court and his ex-wife — at least according to the ex-wife who’s now demanding he fork over nearly half a million dollars … STAT. Michelle Ghent claims Terrence owes a fortune in back spousal support and legal costs — $481,715 and growing […]