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In Baltimore, a favorite flavored brand of home-brewed beer is very popular. In Ohio however, shoppers have given it a very warm reception to the popular east coast brand. reports that DuClaw Brewing Co.’s Sweet Baby Jesus brew was pulled from the shelves of Heinen’s grocery stores after customers complained about the name. Rosedale-based DuClaw released Sweet Baby […]

Don’t try to talk people into believing your music is good.  Let the hard work you put into the music speak for it self.  Sometimes when you talk to much we wonder “who are you trying to convince me or you?”  If you know your song needs mastering, everyone does.  Don’t give excuses for lack of […]

    So the plot thickens, so to speak, for the ‘transracial’ former president of the Spokane WA chapter of the NAACP, Rachel Dolezal. Apparently  her only blood sibling, her brother Joshua, is awaiting trial for sexual abuse on a black child. Washingtonpost- Warning: This article contains graphic descriptions of alleged sexual abuse. The saga of […]

After last week’s announcement of a new  tour coming, music legend Janet Jackson decided last night online, to give fans a sample of her new music coming soon: “I promised you’d hear it from my lips, and now you will,” she said in a video last month that hinted at a very busy 2015. “This […]

Another cowardly act of pure hate was carried out by a white gunman in a historic southern black church, killing 9 parishioners, 3 men, six women, on Wednesday night in Charleston South Carolina. The Huffingtonpost reports that the gunman entered the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church during a weekly bible study meeting and opened fire around 9 p.m., police said. […]

  Who knew the Commander-in-Chief was a fan of His Purple Majesty? Insiders gave the scoop to The Washington Post, which stated that a private VIP performance with Prince and his band 3rdEyeGirl at the White House last Saturday night was not on the president’s public schedule. ABC News added the White House confirmed the president and […]

  21-year-old Rymir Satterthwaite, the man who recently claimed that he was fathered by Jay Z and petitioned the court to force Jay to take a DNA test, is now speaking to the media after his request was denied. Rymir tells Radar Online: “There was a whole lot of running around. We didn’t have enough information to push the case, […]

Singer and Love and Hip Hop star Ray J, recently celebrated the late Tupac Shakur’s 44th birthday by dancing with the famed hologram of the late rapper from the Coachella Festival of 2012. Check out the video below:   TMZ

Is changing your racial identity as easy as putting on a new pair shoes? Where is the fine line in crossing over or getting over?What is REALLY behind the term ‘Trans-Racial’, and How Does Rachel Dolezal fit into this? Funk and Modesty discusses this new phenomenon of becoming ‘Trans-racial’. Plus, let off your weekly steam […]

Funk and Modesty interviews the president and owner of Pay Up Management and the manager of the legendary Ice T: Mickey Bentson! As the associate producer for the documentary ‘Something from Nothing: The Art of Rap’ as he discusses the differences between rap & hip hop, and being the co-founder of the Zulu Nation, he […]