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2 Chainz and Nancy Grace Face off on Legal Weed (Video)

Written by on January 15, 2015

Well, Nancy Grace, ever the ‘marijuana expert’ (sic) decided to get into the Great weed debate with none other rapper 2 Chainz.


A viral video where a mother allows her young daughter to smoke a blunt was the catalyst for the epic showdown, with Grace routinely reminding 2 Chainz to “think of the children” in the fight of legalized marijuana.

“I have two beautiful little girls and I’m a great father,” the rapper said. “It’s about governing your own household. It’s about taking care of your own property. It’s about having some kind of structure in anything, any drug.”

In one of the rare moments where Grace allowed the rapper to get a word in, 2 Chainz added, “I’m not sure if you know, but everybody has the ability to get their hands on pot right now, whether it’s legal or not. I just feel like if you legalize this particular drug you could cut out certain things in the criminal justice system as far as the overcrowding of prisons, as far as putting it on our criminal record to prevent us from getting loans, to prevent us from getting homes. Just the whole thing around recreational weed isn’t making any sense to me.”

Grace then grills 2 Chainz about the benefits legal marijuana would have on society. “We’re in a deficit right now, we gotta try to find our ways on getting out,” the rapper said. “So I figure if we got half of the states legalizing pot, if the rest of the community legalizes pot that frees up taxpayers’ money. That allows us to do something with those extra funds as far as fixing everything from potholes in the street to a stadium, so I’m done with it.”

Remarkably, 2 Chainz manages to silence Grace by relaying an incident where police stopped the rapper’s tour bus after they smelled marijuana emanating from the vehicle. A miniscule amount of pot residue was found onboard, resulting in the police filing charges against the rapper’s security team. The charges that were ultimately dropped, resulting in “a waste of taxpayers’ time and money.”

Ultimately, the highlight of the interview comes from the show’s social media peanut gallery, with one person tweeting “How many marijuanas does it take to overdose? #Pot2Blame,” a totally bogus question that HLN still put up on the screen alongside 2 Chainz.


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