A. Keep in mind if the white of your eyes are discolored it can mean many different things medically, if they are yellow this can mean something could be wrong with your liver, if they are pale this could mean anemia. Before doing any of the tips in this article; check in with your primary care physician for medical direction if you have discoloration.
A healthy diet has endless benefits but this article is about whitening the white of your eyes and eating healthy actually helps. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and only consuming sugary foods and high fat foods in moderation. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER!!!! We can’t stress the importance of drinking water and all of the benefits associated with it but it really helps with eye health too. Lack of sleep can discolor the whites of your eyes. Not only does lack of sleep make you cranky and irritable it also causes your eyes to be puffy, sore, tired, red, swollen and stressed. Getting a good night sleep really does help with the health of your eye and amazingly will help whiten and brighten them up. The bottom line is if you eat healthy only eating sugary foods and high fat foods in moderation and get enough sleep you can actually start the process to whiten the white of your eyes. It sounds simple but it works and don’t forget to drink plenty of water!!
For the ladies: You can cheat and use makeup to disguise the discoloration of the eye but that doesn’t give you an exception to the rule.